Drink Your Words Recognized By Next Generation Indie Book Awards
The Buckhorn
Giants are back! It's only pre-season but Timmy cut off all his hair for the occasion! Now, he looks like his mom had to drive him to the game but, hopefully, it will change his luck on the mound. Does this mean he's no longer The Freak? Best place to watch a Giants...
Giants 2-0!
Overheard at a bar tonight: "Do you know the score of the playoff game?" "Giants: 2, Losers: zero" More appellation adventures in this region.
Block Out
OK so DirectTV is the devil and probably run by a bunch of Dodgers fans. Apparently, I can only watch a Giants game here if they are playing the Dodgers. In San Francisco, if you paid for a channel, you could watch that channel 100% of the time, simple as that. But,...
Turned on the TV to watch the Giants and I no longer receive that channel. So, I ventured out to a sports bar. But they were also not able to get the game on their service. Went to a few more sports bars, hoping it was just DirectTV but got the same results everywhere...
Secret of Life
The owner of the horse ranch brought me a dozen fresh laid eggs from the hen house just outside my guest house. She claims a diet of farm fresh eggs is how she stays in shape and keeps a sharp mind. Results like that speak for themselves. She’s had 5 kids and looks...
Reading Between Lines
Took friends to a winery and happened to be wearing my Giants tank top. But the winemaker said I was brave to do so. Apparently, this is Dodger country. I would assume half and half seeing as I’m not even south of Santa Barbara in what’s well known as CENTRAL...
Just in case you find yourself in Healdsburg without a television set, hands down best places for dinner and Giants game: The Wurst, Healdsburg Bar and Grill, Willi’s Seafood, and El Farolito. You don’t even have to ask them to change the channel. Serious Giants fans;...
The Wurst
After working all weekend, I needed to throw on some jeans to take a break from the computer screen and try a new place for lunch: The Wurst Sausage Grill & Beer Garden. Gotta love the name! The best part of The Wurst is they had the Giants game on (with audio)...
Hello Healdsburg!
Every time I visited Healdsburg, I fantasized about living there. Beautiful cottages line the streets surrounding the square that shape the quaint neighborhood. At the center, the plaza brings the community together and beckons you to join year round events. It was an...