
Published March 9, 2013

Passed by this place many times and was tempted by its delightful front patio and lawn chairs. But I did not stop in for a tasting until a local recommended their wine. Quite glad she did! Like most of their neighbors they have delightful Alsatian white wines and well-crafted Pinot Noirs even a cab lover would approve. But they have something none of their neighbors have, besides the seductive patio chairs out front. They have a Zinfandel.

I know, you’d think I’d be tired of Zins having spent so much time in Paso Robles, Dry Creek, and the Sierra Foothills. But something about Anderson Valley turned this Zin into a Pinot-lovers style wine. It is not big and jammy. Its tannins are soft and elegant. The berry fruit is definitely strong in this one but is balanced with nice acidity.

Better hurry if you want to taste for yourself. They are not planning to make it anymore. I also heard they don’t have much of it left. Why they would stop making something that sold so quickly is a mystery but I am not a salesperson.


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