Outdoor wine tasting. Many people have asked me about places where they can taste safely outside now that the weather is starting to shine again. Almost every winery I called on the central coast had lots of outdoor space to taste safely. But here are a few favorites....
Words that usually mean the party is over. But, this Sheriff from Shadow Ranch means the party’s just gettin’ started! With such a lovely blend of red grapes, it captures the best of all 6 varietals. Vibrant cherry meets your nose first but what follows is...
As we put a cork on this year, we celebrate bubbles. I celebrate Madame Bollinger for her wonderfully wise words: “I drink champagne when I’m happy and when I’m sad. Sometimes I drink it when I’m alone. When I have company I consider it...
Holiday Wine Tips #1 – Have You Heard of This Food Friendly Wine? Most experts will say pinot noir is a food friendly wine that goes with just about anything. Well, so are rose wines. Rose wines are made from the juice of red grapes that don’t have as much...
It’s monarch season! AND a big one because their population has been threatened in recent years. More reason to check out the Monarch Grove Winery tasting room in Grover Beach since it is as lovely and unique as its namesake. The husband-and-wife operation keep...